Diving Right In | Texas Monthly

When a business opportunity presents itself, Texans like to dive right in.

We’re a state of movers and shakers, and we won’t settle for anything less than our best. At the C. T. Bauer College of Business, we nurture that leadership mentality and develop students into successful professionals ready to take on the world of business.

The Bauer Executive MBA program helps fuel our students’ success. Take Bauer EMBA alumnus Trevor Davis. With just $10,000 cash, a couple of credit cards, a Ford F-150 pickup and the experiences gained from working in the commercial diving and construction industries, Davis started his own company, Hydra Offshore Construction, while finishing his EMBA at Bauer. Within three months of graduation, Hydra Offshore Construction became a multi-million dollar company and is currently growing at a rate of 40 percent per year.

Davis is a prime example of our alumni who have become a successful CEO thanks to our EMBA program rooted in business leadership.

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